UnbiasNews Chrome Extension

Revolutionizing the Way You Consume News


The UnbiasNews Chrome extension is a revolutionary tool designed for anyone who seeks to consume news in its most pure, unadulterated form. By leveraging advanced AI technology, UnbiasNews empowers users to navigate to any news website, open any article, and with a simple click, transform the content into a concise summary that distills the story down to its core facts, completely free of political bias.


AI-Powered Summaries

AI-Powered Summaries

Get to the heart of any article with AI-generated summaries that focus solely on the facts.

One-Click Convenience

One-Click Convenience

Seamlessly integrated into your browsing experience, works with just a click.

Enhanced News

Enhanced News

Dive deeper into the stories that matter with content that's distilled to its essence.

Non-Partisan Perspective

Non-Partisan Perspective

Our commitment to non-partisanship means you receive news as it should be - unbiased.

User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Interface

Designed with you in mind, UnbiasNews offers a simple, intuitive interface.

How it Works

Install with Ease

Add UnbiasNews to your Chrome browser with just a few clicks.

Navigate to News

Visit any news website and open an article you wish to read.

Click to Unbias

Use the UnbiasNews icon in your browser to transform the article into a bias-free summary.



Ideal for Casual readers who want to stay informed within limits.

  • Read up to 20 articles
$9.95/ Lifetime

Ideal for those who desire unlimited access to News.

  • Unlimited access every day.

Embrace the future of news consumption. With UnbiasNews, become part of a growing community that values truth, clarity, and unbiased information. Let's transform how the world reads news, one click at a time.

Download Now and experience the difference of bias-free news today!